Gardens at Post Hill Store
Orchids for Sale
Fall List 2024
Note on payment. Because we are no longer a business, we cannot continue to use our Paypal business
account. That means that we have to use a personal email account to receive money. I have set up to do that.
It seemed as though the method would be clunky, since you will
have to send me an email message noting what plants you would like and I will send a reply with an invoice, including amount you owe. However, we did this last year and it worked surprisingly well. You will also receive a message from Paypal that
"You'vegot a money request" from the orchidron1955
account. At the bottom of the message there will be a "Pay Now" button. When you press the button you can log in to your Paypal account, or log in as a Guest to pay using a credit or debit card.
If you feel safer sending a check that is fine. Please send me a reply from the invoice message stating that you will send a check. I will hold your plants for 10 days to allow time for the check to arrive.
Plants ordered from our Fall list will be sent in mid-late October after all plants are dormant
GPH is a hobbyist
grower of Cypripedium and some other terrestrial orchids. We make crosses and raise plants to blooming size to assess the qualities of flowers from
the new crosses. We sell excess plants once we have assessed the flowers to make room for new seedlings from new crosses. Thus, our stock of any given species
or hybrid is limited in number. We will endeavor to note on our list when our stock of a certain plant is sold out, but during a day, we may receive more orders than the number
of plants we have available. We will let you know immediately when we realize that has happened.
The plants we sell as 'blooming size' have bloomed at least one year. This does not necessarily mean that the plant you receive will bloom
next Spring, but more often than not it will. Some species and hybrids may abort their bud the first Spring after being transplanted. This is a response to being moved. We have found that Cyp tibeticum
and Cyp macranthos are particularly prone to first year bud abortion.
It is also important to keep in mind that the plants we sell will have a variable number of growth buds. The price at which we sell is for one growth bud but often there is more than
one bud, the 'extras' are bonuses to the buyer. Sometimes we sell plants with specific numbers of buds but we dont do this often as the plants are grown in beds and it is difficult
to determine exactly how many buds a given plant has without disturbing it a great deal.
Many of the hybrids and some of the species we sell are 'new.' For a species this means that it has not been in cultivation extensively so we do not have a good feel for how long
a plant may survive in your planting bed. We know it has grown in cultivation for at least 5 years since all of our plants are seed-grown but we dont know with certainty what the
breadth of conditions in which they survive might be. We let you know this in our descriptions. These plants are for those who have experience with Cypripediums and are prepared to lose
them. We sometimes sell Cyp lichiangense or Cyp arietinum. These often last for a few years but all too soon are lost. All of us who have kept Cyp's have killed very many!
While some species and hybrids last for very long periods of time - Cyp reginae, Cyp pubescens, Cyp Gisela and so forth
are very difficult to kill and we have specimens that are more than 15 years old, many new hybrids do well, but over a few years tend to decline and are eventually lost. This is the
case for many hybrid plants including orchids.
Since most of the hybrids we sell have only been in existance for 5-10 years, it is natural to expect that some will not be long-lived.
We note in the descriptions some that have done very well for us for many years. If you are looking for good garden plants for your perennial beds in shady sites, keep to these. We have reports from a number of customers, often accompanied by images,
of exceptional success with a plant of a hybrid that has done extremely well for them whereas most plants of that hybrid are not so long-lived. Since very few of our plants are meristem clones this is due to normal variability in a given hybrid, or even the
parents used to produce the seed. While we once did meristem clones, we have not done so for several years. Michael Weinert does some meristem work using exceptional plants from a given hybrid, and we generally order some for our garden. Since
Michael is in Germany, there are minimum orders so we have to import more than we can use ourselves and offer the others in our Fall lists. Those that are clones are clearly marked.
Finally, we ship our plants bare root in clear plastic bags. Having a clear plastic bag allows you to become comfortable or not with the quality of the plant when it arrives.
If you do not like
the look of a rhizome when you receive it we are happy to take it back as we want you to be happy with the plants you receive. This also means that if you order from us, it is with
the understanding that we cannot be responsible for issues that become apparent after you plant your rhizome. The rhizomes are in good condition when we dig them or we dont send
them on to you. On very rare occasions we find there is a quality or suitability issue. For example, some years ago we received Cyp Sebastian, very nice plants, from an outside
source. We kept some and sold some. The next Spring, we found that ours had degraded in our beds. This was not due to the quality of the plants but rather their inability to
tolerate conditions outside of those in their native habitat at above 5000 feet in the Rocky Mountains (the habitat of one of their parents, Cyp montanum). Since we had sold the
plants as hardy in our conditions and they were not, in the Spring we contacted customers who purchased them and told them of our findings, and if the plants had not survived for
a customer we refunded their purchase price. Outside of instances in which the plants we sold you were from beds that subsequently failed as in this example, we do not replace
In addition to listed plants, we also sometimes have available limited numbers of unlisted plants - please contact
us if you are looking for something we do not have. If we do not have it, we will help you find someone who does.
Due to the difficulty and costs of obtaining phytosanitary and CITES certificates, we can only ship within the United States.
Cypripedium reginae forma album clump in its 8th year with 14 flowers.
Cypripedium Ladyslipper Orchids
Cypripedium ladyslipper orchids are among the most showy of the temperate terrestrial orchids. Please read our
cultivation instructions to make sure that you live in an appropriate part of the country to grow these magnificient
garden plants. Plants should be situated in a partially shaded area and preferably planted in a soiless medium. Please read our cultivation instructions before you order.
Click on each image to see additional information about the plant. Click "back" on your browser to return
Cypripedium alaskanum Frosch®
Blooming size plant
$60.00 Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp xalaskanum is a natural hybrid of our North American Cyp guttatum and Cyp yatabeanum. Both of these species hail from Alaska and extend down the Aleuthian chain to northern parts of Japan. Plants that
originate in Alaska require cold temperatures and are recommended for Zone 4. Plants that originate in Japan are hardy to Zone 6 and perhaps Zone 7. These plants originated with Micheal Weinert of Frosch's Exclusive Perennials in Germany.
Michael has found these to do well in his gardens. We planted these in Fall 2023. Most came up this season.
Cypripedium californicum
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp californicum is native to northern California and southern Oregon. It is unusual for a Cypripedium in having many small flowers. While looking at it in its native habitat suggests that it grows in relatively dry media in the sun, keep in mind that
it is growing just above a very wet area (a giveaway is the large number of California Pitcher plants among which it grows! We were unsuccessful with keeping this species alive for more than 2-3 years in Connecticut where is gets far too cold during the
Winter. We are looking forward to attempting it in Washington. This species is successfully grown in pots by Bill Steele (see our Link for Spangle Creek Labs) in a mixture of perlite and turface. This species does like bright conditions - Bill grows them
under 50% shade cloth so a lightly shaded area is fine. Since Cyp californicum occurs naturally in Zone 7 it was no surprise that we had difficulty in Connecticut (Zone 5). Bill recommends Zones 7-9, and maybe Zone 6. Bill has kept them alive over the
winter under thick mulch with temperatures reaching -42 F - Bill lives in northern Minnesota. We have these Cyp californicum doing well in our Seattle area garden. They like more sun that most Cyps.
Cypripedium Frosch's Cutie Frosch®
Blooming size plant
$50.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Frosch's Cutie is a meristem clone produced by Michael Weinert of Frosh Garden Orchid. This is new to us this year, from Michael.
Cypripedium Gabriela
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Gabriela has the large flowers of its parents, Cyp kentuckiense and Cyp fasciolatum. It is a large plant, in our garden reaching to nearly two feet in height. Gabriela is one of my all time favorites and is very hardy; I have had some
specimens for more than 10 years.
Cypripedium John Haggar
Blooming size plant
$60.00 Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp John Haggar is a named variety of Cypripedium macranthos var hotei-atsumorianum. It has long been popular among advanced Cypripedium gardeners. Some of our first have been with us for 5 years now. We recommend that they be cultivated
in inorganic medium only.
Cypripedium Henric
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Henric has been around for many years. It is a cross between Cyp tibeticum and Cyp macranthos hotei-atsumorianum. Given that its two parents are difficult to keep in cultivation for more than a few years, Henric's hardiness is remarkable.
Cypripedium Ingrid Frosch®
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Ingrid is a cross between the America Cyp parviflorum and the Asian Cyp cordigerum. Ingid is a small plant, usually 10-12 inches in height. We have grown it for many years.
Cypripedium kentuckiense
Blooming size plant
$60.00 Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp kentuckiense has hands down, the most beautiful flowers among Cypripediums. The plant is large, often more than 2 feet, and it has very large flowers, generally the largest among Cypripedium species. Cyp kentuckiense grows along
sandy riverbanks south of the Mason-Dixon Line. We have found that for long-term cultivation, growing them in fine sand (we use Quikcrete general purpose sand. Do NOT use white playbox sand, it is always very alkaline and will kill most plants very
quickly. A small amount of organic material may be mixed in but we really do not recommend it.
Cypripedium Kristi Lyn Frosch®
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Kristi Lyn is a cross between Cyp parviflorum var pubescens and Cyp henryi. It have very attractive pubescens-like flowers, and the plant is quite vigorous.
Cypripedium macranthos var hotei-atsumorianum
Blooming size plant
$90.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp macranthos var hotei-atsumorianum has magnificient flowers and requires perfect high elevation Himalayan Mountains conditions to thrive (although these are cultivated in a greenhouse in The Netherlands). The hotei-atsumorianum variety translates
as "buddha with a fat stomach." Carefully keep all organics away from the medium. Given the variability of winters in the US this species is often grown in pots in greenhouses for long-term survival.
Cypripedium Marita Frosch®
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Marita is a new hybrid produced and registered by Michael Weinert. It is a cross between the extremely hardy Cyp Sabine and Cyp Ursel. Based on Michael's photos, we look forward to very attractive flowers on a hardy plant. We only have a
few specimens this first year.
Cypripedium parviflorum
Blooming size plant
$60.00 Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp parviflorum var parviflorum is an iconic American species. This form is a short plant, less than 12 inches, with small flowers. All of the varieties of Cyp parviflorum are quite hardy and I love them all.
Cypripedium Philipp Dark
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Philipp has some of the largest flowers among Cyp's, inherited from its Cyp kentuckiense parent. Philipp 'Dark' is a particularly brightly colored form introduced several years ago by Anthura.
We grow Philipp in artificial medium that contains about 50% sand and 50% turface to mimic Cyp kentuckiense's native habitat. The perfect sand is Quikrete all purpose sand - the off-white to light brown colored sand. The very white sandbox sands are often
extremely alkaline and will kill your plants very quickly. I have not been without Cyp Phlipp Dark in my garden since it was introduced about 10 years ago. The flowers
are always amazing. I hate to sell any!
Cypripedium Sabine
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Sabine is a hardy plant with large, purple flowers. These grow into nice, large clumps in our Seattle garden. The photo in description is of two plants in our garden - each plant is more than 20 inches in diameter. The image was taken 5 years when the
plants were 10 years old. The clumps have since been divided and are currently only a year or so from needing to be divided again. My all-time favorite Cyp because of its enormous flowers, lush leaves and great hardiness.
Cypripedium Sabine album
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Sabine album is a hardy plant with large, white flowers, sometimes with tiny red dots. These grow into nice, large clumps in our Seattle garden.
Cypripedium Ulla Silkens Frosch®
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Ulla Silkens is one of the first registered Cypripedium hybrids, between the US Cyp reginae and the Asian Cyp flavum. The flower appearance is variable, sometimes being nearly pure white with a few
purple dots, ranging to a flower very similar to the Cyp reginae parent. It is an easy to grow plant, especially farther North. Ulla Silkens enjoys more sunlight than many Cyps, up to 4 hours each day - preferably morning.
Cypripedium Ventricosum Frosch®
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Ventricosum is a cross between Cyp caleolus and Cyp macranthos, that also occurs naturally (then referred to Cyp xventricosum) in Eastern Asia into Siberia where the two species grow together. Because Cyp macranthos occurs in several varieties and colors
colors, Cyp Ventricosum can come in many colors depending upon the macranthos parent. Flowers of these Ventricosum have a beautiful red color.
Cypripedium Vicky's Delight Frosch®
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Vicky's Delight is a cross between Ulla Silkens and Cyp flavum, registered many years ago. Since Cyp flavum is essentially impossible to keep alive outside its native habit, we have never been able to make this cross ourselves but have these specimens
this year for the first time.
Cypripedium Victoria
Blooming size plant
$60.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Cyp Victoria has been a favorite of mine since it first became available. It has huge flowers since it is a hybrid of two larger-flowered Cyps, parviflorum pubescens and fasciolatum. Victoria has beautiful yellow flowers and is very hardy. We have grown
them for many years.
Dactylorhiza Foliorella
Blooming size plant
Sold Out
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Dact Foliorella is the most beautiful Dactylorhiza hybrid I have ever seen. It is a hybrid of foliosa and purpurella, and has glowing purple flowers.
Dactylorhiza foliosa hybrids
Blooming size plant
$25.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Dact majalis x foliosa is another spectacular Dactylorhiza hybrid.
Dactylorhiza iberica x incarnata ssp coccinea
Blooming size plant
$25.00 each Shipping Included
Once you have chosen the plants you would like to order, please send me a list to and I will send payment instructions. Plants will be shipped in mid-October.
Dact purpurella x inc coccinea is the third highly colorful Dactylorhiza hybrid that is readily available commercially.